How do the products work?
Our product uses chlorine dioxide to eliminate odors on a molecular level. Chlorine Dioxide has been used for over a hundred years by water treatment plants and more recently, in the fruit and vegetable misters in stores, to keep us safe from things like giardia, legionella, salmonella, and other harmful bacteria. It is widely used in industrial settings for sanitization. In the last ten years it has been used in residential settings for extreme odor removal and sanitization. Healthy Environs has worked closely with a US manufacturer to custom design a line of products that are safe AND effective for everyday home use.
Don't be fooled by the chlorine in chlorine dioxide- It is NOT bleach nor does it contain any bleach. In fact, our products have no by products, no VOCs, no phthalates, or fragrances. These are the best and safest odor removal products available today!